Special Moments

Because of my busy life here taking care of big and tiny cats, I haven’t been able to post for a while. I can’t believe how quickly time flies by, and that I am already more than half ways through my 12 week internship. It’s important to pause and enjoy the moments of joy, love, passion and wonder, since they are what makes my life here so special and unforgettable.

This post is about sharing some of my favorite moments.

Watching Smalls bobcat chase a bird, and then coming over to say hi and purr.

Making an enrichment beach for our hybrid cat Beacher, and seeing him ripping it to shreds (a good thing).

Moving Cyrus and later Frosty into their two-week- vacation spot.

Having a moment of deep conversation about life and death with one of my amazing keeper friends, Sharon.

Taking a minute from my busy day to chat with King Tut, a beautiful hybrid, and coaxing him to eat a little more.

Spending half a day in St. Pete and eating yummy vegan food with my good friend Rebecca.

Strolling through the sanctuary on my day off and visiting with the cats ❤

Learning about vet care for our big cats during an inspiring presentation from our volunteer vet. A major takeaway here was how important raking and removing dead twigs from the enclosures is for the well-being of the cats.

Feeding Max and Mary Ann.

Seeing how far our formerly feral foster kittens have come under our care, and being greeted with purrs instead of hisses.

Walking home into the sunset after a long day, feeling that I have made a difference.
Life is good 🙂

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