My First Week Back

It’s been almost two weeks since I started my internship, and it has been great! It felt a bit like coming home, and it was wonderful to reconnect with friends and cats. Many of the cats that I took care of four year ago are no longer with us, and new cats have arrived. I can’t wait to get to know their personalities.

Pharaoh, one of my heart-cats from 2013 is now the proud owner of my official sponsorship sign. It was very touching to see my name next to his beautiful portrait, and I was happy to get greeted by him spraying me 🙂

A typical work day might look like this:

  • 6am – get up and get ready
  • 6:30am – Take care of our fluffy teeny tiny foster kittens at home
  • 7:30am – Morning chores in food prep and the gift shop
  • 9am – Cleaning enclosures
  • 1pm – Lunch break (mmmhm, peanut butter sandwich)
  • 2pm – Get ready for tours, greet guests
  • 3pm – Give a tour and inspire guest to make the call of the wild 
  • 5pm – Various maintenance projects around the sanctuary
  • 6:30pm – Evening chores
  • 7:30pm – Pick up the kittens from the cabana and go home

Depending on the day, the weather and who is available, I might prepare food for the cats, help with enrichment or take guests on private tours. I love that no two days are alike, and no matter what you do, you are always surrounded by cats.

I also have been learning a lot about collaboration and teamwork. Here are some few reflections that can be applied to any work, team and volunteering situation:
It is very humbling to be the newest person in a team. You don’t know how things work, where supplies are stored, or who is responsible for what. In addition, you feel a bit useless and sometimes “in the way”. It’s not fun, but can be a good experience for people like me, who are used to being in charge. It makes you a better and more emphatic leader, and it keeps your ego in check 😉

One of my former teammates once made this comment: “Assume that everyone operates with best intentions”. When a very diverse group of passionate and dedicated people work together all day, conflict can arise. It’s easy to jump to conclusions or to assume that someone is deliberately trying to hurt you. Most of the time, it’s a case of miscommunication and/or stress. What might appear as a rude and insensitive comment to one person, could just be meant as a joke or quick remark from another.

Lastly, and most importantly, here is my favorite quote of all time. It fits perfectly to being part of the Big Cat Rescue team. ❤

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead


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